March 23, 2004


Media Hound

Have you seen this Washington Post article? Richard Clarke
links Saddam and Bin Laden:

The Washington Post
January 23, 1999; Page A02

Embassy Attacks Thwarted, U.S. Says; Official Cites Gains Against
Bin Laden; Clinton Seeks $10 Billion to Fight Terrorism

By Vernon Loeb

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies have prevented Osama
bin Laden's extremist network from carrying out truck-bomb attacks
against at least two American embassies since the bombings of U.S.
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania more than five months ago, the Clinton
administration's senior counterterrorism official said yesterday.

Clarke did provide new information in defense of Clinton's decision
to fire Tomahawk cruise missiles at the El Shifa pharmaceutical plant
in Khartoum, Sudan, in retaliation for bin Laden's role in the Aug. 7
embassy bombings.

While U.S. intelligence officials disclosed shortly after the missile
attack that they had obtained a soil sample from the El Shifa site
that contained a precursor of VX nerve gas, Clarke said that the U.S.
government is "sure" that Iraqi nerve gas experts actually produced a
powdered VX-like substance at the plant that, when mixed with bleach
and water, would have become fully active VX nerve gas.

Clarke said U.S. intelligence does not know how much of the substance
was produced at El Shifa or what happened to it. But he said that
intelligence exists linking bin Laden to El Shifa's current and past
operators, the Iraqi nerve gas experts and the National Islamic Front
in Sudan.

Given the evidence presented to the White House before the airstrike,
Clarke said, the president "would have been derelict in his duties if
he didn't blow up the facility."



Yeah, I think there are similar statements in some of the other items I've been linking to indicting the 60 Minutes appearance; there he says absolutely positively no link between al Queda and Saddam, but that was clearly part of the intell that got them worried about al Shifa. Interestingly, Cohn reaffirmed that in his testimony yesterday.


Yeah, I think there are similar statements in some of the other items I've been linking to indicting the 60 Minutes appearance; there he says absolutely positively no link between al Queda and Saddam, but that was clearly part of the intell that got them worried about al Shifa. Interestingly, Cohn reaffirmed that in his testimony yesterday.


Yeah, I think there are similar statements in some of the other items I've been linking to indicting the 60 Minutes appearance; there he says absolutely positively no link between al Queda and Saddam, but that was clearly part of the intell that got them worried about al Shifa. Interestingly, Cohn reaffirmed that in his testimony yesterday.

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